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Embrace Conflict!
Part of the Embrace Life! series

If any of these statements sound familiar, but you wish they didn't, register now for Embrace Conflict! This four-week seminar combines self study with practical applications and personal coaching sessions. It fits into your busy schedule because you study the material online, complete the activities, and consult with the instructor via email. Three 20-minute coaching sessions are conducted over the phone at a time that’s most convenient for you, including evenings and weekends. The course outline is below:

Week 1: Conflict is a good thing!
Misconceptions about conflict
Benefits of conflict
Myths about conflict
Exercise: What is your view of conflict?
Personal coaching session: Your personal goals for this seminar

Week 2: A Blueprint for Healthy Conflict

Be prepared
Have your facts ready
Know your desired resolution
Keep it neutral
Practice active listening
Exercise: Plan ways to approach a “hot button” topic

Week 3: Healthy Conflicts with Family and Friends
Using conflict correctly
Sticking to the topic
Neutralizing emotional landmines
Exercise: Initiate a conflict with a family member or friend, using the blueprint for healthy conflict
Personal coaching session: Debrief on exercise

Week 4: Healthy Conflicts in the Workplace and Other Places

Choosing your battles
Preparing for the conflict
The BIF approach (behavior, impact, feelings)
Choosing the right person
When to hold and when to fold
Exercise: Initiate a conflict with an external party, using the blueprint for healthy conflict
Personal coaching session: Debrief on exercise, discuss progress/results

There is a limit on the number of participants who can start each week. The limit is necessary to ensure that Barb can give each client enough time and individual attention. In July, sessions will be starting on Monday, 7/12; Monday, 7/19, and Monday, 7/26. To register, email Barb at with your preferred dates or call 407-729-9445. Please select more than one potential date in case your first choice is not available.

The total cost of the seminar is $59.95, which must be paid through PayPal via credit card or electronic funds transfer. The cost covers: